InstaLinks : help you think beyond the issue but relevant to the issue from UPSC prelims and Mains exam point of view. These linkages provided in this ‘hint’ format help you frame possible questions in your mind that might arise(or an examiner might imagine) from each current event. InstaLinks also connect every issue to their static or theoretical background. This helps you study a topic holistically and add new dimensions to every current event to help you think analytically
1. Suspension of MPs from Parliament
3. Parliamentary Standing Committee Report on E-commerce
4. UN lays down guidelines to protect children displaced by climate change
1. Parliamentary Standing Committee Report on E-commerce
2. Use of technology to make efficient auto cars
Content for Mains enrichment (Ethics/Essay)
2. India Designates 5 New Ramsar Sites
3. White Onion gets GI tags
4. Delimitation in four North-East States
Note: There are many articles, which we have to leave out, but will be covered in tomorrow’s CA
Context: As 19 Opposition members are suspended from Rajya Sabha for a week. This is important for Prelims (the process of suspension) and for mains (just remember the instances of suspension in the parliament this year- to be used as an example)
Reason for suspension: The MPs were suspended for “unruly behaviour”.
What are the Rules under which the Presiding Officer acts? (no need to remember the rules, just look at the process once)
Power to the presiding officer: In order to ensure that proceedings are conducted in the proper manner, the Speaker/ Chairman is empowered to force a Member to withdraw from the House.
For Rajya Sabha, it is the same process:
Is suspending an MP a common practice in Parliament?
It is strong action, but it is not uncommon. Suspensions have become more common in recent years, and have taken place every year since 2019.
MPs are required to adhere to certain rules of parliamentary etiquette.
Newer forms of protest led to these rules being updated in 1989.
Differences in powers of Speaker and Chairman of Rajya Sabha:
Every instance of suspension of an MP triggers strong statements on both sides. It is generally agreed that a balance has to be struck and that the solution to unruly behaviour has to be long-term and consistent with democratic values.
Q.A Parliamentary System of Government is one in which
(a) all political parties in the Parliament are represented in the Government
(b) off the Government is responsible to the Parliament and can be removed by it
(c) the Government is elected by the people and can be removed by them
(d) the Government is chosen by the Parliament but cannot be removed by it before the completion of a fixed term
A parliamentary system or parliamentary democracy is a system of democratic governance of a state where the executive derives its democratic legitimacy from its ability to command the support of the legislature, typically a parliament, to which it is accountable.
Context: SC has a direct union government to consult the finance commission on whether it is possible to regulate the distribution of freebies by political parties using public money.
Stand of ECI on freebies: It said it has no power to regulate the same or take action against parties making such poll promises.
Freebies like free power and a monthly stipend to women are among promises made by parties and this is common in elections in state after state. Earlier this month, the PM said it’s time to stop this practice and called it the ‘revdi’ culture hurting the country, its development and well-being.
Impact of such freebies on state budgets:
Measures to mitigate the negative impacts:
Finance commission Chief N.K Singh recently pointed out that political competition over such sops is a “quick passport to fiscal disaster”. Hence, there is a need to avoid those before they become the norm.
Are freebies affecting the economic growth of India?
Q. Do you think populism, personality cult and freebie culture in politics which is often witnessed during elections in states such as Tamil Nadu is good for economic growth and development? Critically comment. (250 Words)
Syllabus: Social Justice/ Welfare policies
United Nations-backed agencies have issued guidelines to provide the first-ever global policy framework to protect children displaced due to climate change.
(Just go through the points and note down 2-3 points under ‘UN guidelines for children’- to be incorporated into your main answer writing)
The Guiding Principles have been developed to safeguard the rights and well-being of children moving in the context of climate change, and are as follows:
Principle 1: Rights-based approach Principle 2: Best interests of the child Principle 3: Accountability Principle 4: Awareness and participation in decision-making Principle 5: Family unity Principle 6: Protection, safety and security Principle 7: Access to education, health care and social services Principle 8: Non-discrimination Principle 9: Nationality
These Guiding Principles are intended to be used by local and national governments, international organizations and civil society groups working with children on the move in the context of climate change. They are based on existing international law as well as operational guidelines or frameworks which have been developed by a variety of stakeholders. The Principles are derived from the Convention on the Rights of the Child and do not create new international legal obligations.
Q. Write a note on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the impact of poverty on child rights. (10M)
Context: Recent report of the committee “Promotion and Regulation of E-commerce in India”
(Note down 2-3 suggestions from the report and understand the difference between various models of e-commerce)
Issues highlighted by the report:
Sansad TV: Parliamentary report on E-commerce
Q.With reference to foreign-owned e-commerce firms, operating in India, which of the following statements is/are correct? (UPSC 2022)
Which of the above statements are correct?
As per the FDI policy changes, foreign firms are prevented from holding inventory or selling their own goods, which both Amazon and Walmart do in other markets. They can offer their platforms only as “marketplaces” for other buyers and sellers.
2nd statement is true, the degree to which they can own big sellers on their platforms is limited (to maintain a level playing field)
Context: Nudged by tough BS6 emission norms, automakers are offering mild and strong hybrid options in their vehicles and using technology to make vehicles efficient
(Just remember a few names to be written in the mains answer and some basic terminology of engine for prelims, no need to get into details unless you are an auto-enthusiast)
Fig: working of Petrol Engine (Left) and Diesel Engine (right)
Q. Consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Q. Lead, ingested or inhaled, is a health hazard. After the addition of lead to petrol has been banned, what still are the sources of lead poisoning?
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Lead is a metal that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust, but the human activity — mining, burning fossil fuels and manufacturing — has caused it to become more widespread. Lead was also once a key ingredient in paint and gasoline and is still used in batteries, solder, pipes, pottery, and roofing materials.
The incident happened in an Engineering College, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala bus stop where benches were made into single chairs so that boys and girls couldn’t sit together. The residents of that area didn’t want that bus stop would become an area where boys and girls would mingle and gather.
As a reaction to this, students of that college released a photo on social media where they can be seen sitting on each other’s lap, which has gone viral.
This example can be used in society, modern vs traditional values.
The 15th President of India, Droupadi Murmu, assumed office Monday with a ‘Johar’ greeting to the country.
‘Johar’, which essentially means ‘salutation and welcome’, is used within the tribal communities of Jharkhand, and in parts of Chhattisgarh and Odisha. According to several tribal leaders from Jharkhand, the word ‘Johar’ also means ‘paying respect’. Tribal communities are nature worshippers and follow the Sarna religion code, although it is not an official religion.
Researchers develop antimicrobial coating from agricultural waste
A research team from the DBT-CIAB (Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing), Mohali, has developed a nanocomposite using lignin and nanoparticles of cadmium sulfide called L@CdS QDs (quantum dots). The team has also coated the nanocomposite on personal protective equipment (PPE) and demonstrated its efficacy in destroying bacteria.
India has designated five (5) new wetlands of International importance, which include three wetlands (Karikili Bird Sanctuary, Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest & Pichavaram Mangrove) in Tamil Nadu, one (Pala wetland) in Mizoram and one wetland (Sakhya Sagar) in Madhya Pradesh, making a total of 54 Ramsar sites in the country.
The Ramsar sites have been increased from 49 to 54 Ramsar sites.
Location: Alibagh (Maharastra) is known for growing white onion using the traditional method and utilizing geo-climatic conditions for a unique taste, flavour and shape.
A GI is primarily an agricultural, natural or manufactured product (handicrafts and industrial goods) originating from a definite geographical territory.
How long is the registration of Geographical Indication is valid?
In India, Geographical Indications registration is administered by the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 which came into force with effect in September 2003. The first product in India to be accorded with GI tag was Darjeeling tea in the year 2004-05.
Context: Supreme Court issues notice on the plea seeking delimitation in Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur.
Background: As per section 8A of RPA 1950, President can order delimitation exercises in these four states. However, no such exercise has taken place in these four states in the last 51 years due to various concerns.
What is Delimitation:- Delimitation literally means the process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in a state that has a legislative body.
Composition of the Commission: According to the Delimitation Commission Act, 2002, the Delimitation Commission will have three members: a serving or retired judge of the Supreme Court as the chairperson, and the Chief Election Commissioner or Election Commissioner nominated by the CEC and the State Election Commissioner as ex-officio members.
Context: Over a year since the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry passed the Model Tenancy Act (MTA) (June 2021), only four States had revised their tenancy laws to be in line with the MTA.
Context: National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) (a statutory body under NDDB Act 1987) has launched a company (MRIDA ltd.) to work on manure management.
Government scheme for manure management:
Context: Now off-budget borrowings by states in form of borrowings by state-owned companies, special purpose vehicles etc. will be considered under the state’s FRBM limit.
These borrowings will need the consent of the Union Government under Article 293(3).
FRBM Act: It was made in 2003 to set fiscal discipline on the central and state government. As per the 12th Finance Commission (FC), all the states have to enact their FRBM Act and its compliance will be monitored by state legislatures.
However, several state governments have opposed this move, as it will curtail their borrowing powers.
Article 293 deals with borrowing by the states government: (just go through it once, no need to note it down)
293 (1): the executive power of a State extends to borrowing within the territory of India upon the security of the Consolidated Fund of the State
293(2): Central government may make loans to any State or give a guarantee, so long as any limits fixed under Article 292 are not exceeded
293(3): A State may not without the consent of the Government of India raise any loan if there is still an outstanding part of a loan
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